IAP - DaCHS Services Public Tables


Matched: 8

TablenameInfoTable desc.Res desc.
cpstasm.epn_coreTable Info This service publishes spectral matrix data from the Earth magnetosphere obtained by the CLUSTER satellites. The data contains the upper triangle for the 5x5 correlation matrix of the three magnetic and two electric components of the electromagnetic field in 27 frequency bands in the SR2 reference frame. For more information, refer to http://caa.estec.ea.int/documents/UG/CAA_EST_UG_STA_v35.pdf. This service publishes spectral matrix data from the Earth magnetosphere obtained by the CLUSTER satellites. The data contains the upper triangle for the 5x5 correlation matrix of the three magnetic and two electric components of the electromagnetic field in 27 frequency bands in the SR2 reference frame. For more information, refer to http://caa.estec.ea.int/documents/UG/CAA_EST_UG_STA_v35.pdf.
tap_schema.columnsTable InfoColumns in tables available for ADQL querying. IAP - DaCHS Services's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.groupsTable InfoColumns that are part of groups within tables available for ADQL querying. IAP - DaCHS Services's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.key_columnsTable InfoColumns participating in foreign key relationships between tables available for ADQL querying. IAP - DaCHS Services's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.keysTable InfoForeign key relationships between tables available for ADQL querying. IAP - DaCHS Services's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.schemasTable InfoSchemas containing tables available for ADQL querying. IAP - DaCHS Services's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.tablesTable InfoTables available for ADQL querying. IAP - DaCHS Services's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
thmsm.epn_coreTable Info This service publishes spectral matrix data from the Earth magnetosphere obtained by the THEMIS satellites. The data contains the upper triangle for the 6x6 correlation matrix of the three magnetic and three electric components of the electromagnetic field in 164 frequency bands in the magnetic field-aligned reference frame. For more information, refer to https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-018-9503-1 This service publishes spectral matrix data from the Earth magnetosphere obtained by the THEMIS satellites. The data contains the upper triangle for the 6x6 correlation matrix of the three magnetic and three electric components of the electromagnetic field in 164 frequency bands in the magnetic field-aligned reference frame. For more information, refer to https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-018-9503-1

Query Form

An overview over the tables available for ADQL querying within the IAP - DaCHS Services